Policy Minded

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Rossi Strikes Back!

dino rossi has been known for his campaigning, and he finally pulled through with a successful rally just yesterday in silverdale. his main points of the rally; cut government spending, create new jobs and help to repeal the federal health care legislation. He criticized murray for what he believes is "wasteful spending," something that many washingtonians know has gotten out of hand. The most moving statement in his speech, one that should tug at the heartstrings of many supporters and non-supporters alike was when he stated, "this crop of politicians in charge is borrowing to consume and is handing the bill over to our kids. This is the moral issue of this campaign, because what they’re doing is morally reprehensible.” Of course parents don't want their children to have the burden of high taxes and an even higher state deficit. Rossi also brought up a strong and valid point. Murray's voting record isn't exactly the greatest, voting indirectly to cut jobs in our state, votes for the bank bailout, the economic stimulus and the health care reform. He also called her ads "over the top." Some might argue that his are no worse than hers, but of course he's not going to admit to it, or even point it out.

Murray on the other hand is not going down without a fight. My favorite headline of the week goes to CNN.com, with their accurate description of Murray as "Senator in tennis shoes running for her political life." You can read the entire article here. In this article, she states
"People are hurting. Their house is underwater. They've lost their financial future. They've lost their pension. They're insecure about where the country is going. I understand that." She's admitting that the republicans aren't the only reason for the economic crisis still plaguing our state as well as our country, democrats are partially responsible and she's full aware that something needs to change. She maintains showing her deep concern for the issues that our state is dealing with, but will she change anything when she gets in office? Rossi of course disagrees and he continues to point out all of the flawed choices Murray has made. But can he only point out flaws and say he would never do something like that? Maybe that's why the polls keep murray in the lead with no more than two percent? Stay posted for updates on the race and find out who took out the half a million dollar television campaign ad. 

-Nick LeBlanc

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