Blog post
As the race continues for the only available seat in Washington for senator, both candidates are proving very resilient. In the beginning, both Murray and Rossi were fighting with ad campaigns, political smearing and of course, the classic he said she said scenario. Now that there has been a break in the debates, one can see that neither side really made progress in the aspect of gaining support. The race was and has been very close, leaving either party with no more than a four percent lead. Murray currently holds the lead with forty nine percent, leaving Rossi with forty six.
Patty murray proves the most resilient, seeming, to recover faster and with more gumption than rossi has since the debates (which left a lot in question). Her meeting with Obama at the university of washington campus in seattle shows that the democratic party is fighting hard to keep the upper hand in congress. Murray definitely knows how to rally her supporters. She is expected to campaign today with first lady, michelle Obama. The details will definitely be in the next post.
Dino Rossi on the other hand is leaving many voters with little to work with. Sure, he might meet with a few of them here and there, but has he been campaigning to the extent that murray has? No, not in the slightest, the standings can prove that. He recently gained the support of The Council of Metropolitan Police and Sheriffs. Other than that, his only political campaign tactic is smear, smear, smear.
However, in an interesting turn of events, news released that a candidate (no name...yet) has taken out a 5000000 dollar television campaign ad. We'll have to wait and see who it was.
Nick Leblanc.
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